
Coco the Clown

Coco the Clown

You need:
Two paper plates
PVA glue and brush
Acrylic paint and brushcoco the clown
6 paper fasteners
Electrical tape
Colored sticky tape
(any shade of purple or green)
1 small plastic lid

Hold one of the paper plates up to your face and ask an adult to mark eye holes. Cut out the eye holes. On the back of the plate, paint your clown face. Allow the paint to dry.

Draw a triangular hat and bow tie one the remaining paper plate. Cut them out. Paint and decorate the hat and bow tie with paint and colored electrical tape or, you can use colored foils and ribbons instead. Finish the hat with a tassel of raffia. Attach the raffia with electrical tape.

To make the clown's nose, use the plastic lid from a tube of sweets or plastic juice container. Mix a little PVA glue into some red paint and paint the nose. When dry, glue the nose on to the clown's face. Use PVA glue to stick on the hat and bow tie. Allow glue to dry.

Push a paper fastener through a pan scrubber and position it near the top edge of the plate. Push the paper fastener through the plate and flatten the fasteners. Attach the remaining pan scrubbers in the same way.

Make a small hole in each side of the mask. Tie the elastic to one hole, then fit the mask before tying the elastic to the other hole.
And the Coco is ready to don your face.


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